Discover How To Banish Brain Fog

so you too can achieve what you want in life!

Download Mastering Mental Clarity

I love travelling ... and brain fog was stopping me from achieving my goal. What do you want in life that you can't do because of brain fog?

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What You'll Learn With This Free PDF

Secret #1

How to X Without Y So You Can Z

Secret #2

How to X Without Y So You Can Z

Secret #3

How to X Without Y So You Can Z

About Me! Who Am I?


I’m Merilyn Bullen, Founder of The Health Club Online, Kinesiologist, Educator & Mind Body Medicine Coach.

I'm on a mission to help professional women in their 40s and beyond overcome brain fog and memory loss. I suffered from brain fog and memory issues throughout my life and have always been successful at finding solutions. But after turning 35 the brain fog returned with vengeance combined with insomnia, anxiety, hot flashes, night sweats, bladder issues, heavy irregular periods and heart palpitations. It eventually became apparent I had early perimenopause symptoms - I was feeling overwhelmed, fatigued and sleep deprived, trying to juggle my roles as a mother, wife, colleague, and friend.

My motivation to find a solution to my cognitive confusion was for three reasons. First it was interfering with my daily life and stopped me from working. Second it stopped me from living a full life doing what I love ... travelling). Finally I was also driven by fear .... fear that this brain fog and confusion I was experiencing might be an initial sign of familia dementia (which overcame my grandmother's life).

Whilst searching for solutions, I fell in love with the wholistic & integrative perspective of Kinesiology & Mind Body Medicine. Combining this this amazing healing modality with years of reading medical research, TCM, acupressure, biofeedback and accessing specialised experts, I developed the Peri Menopause Protocol to improve my own hormonal health and restore my brain function.

My mission is help women overcome their cognitive confusion. Let's embark on this transformative journey together & reclaim your health & vitality at all levels emotionally, physically & spiritually.

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